Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wedding Wednesday-Checklist Check-In

Since it's the first of the month (how is it December already?!?!) I thought it was appropriate to use this Wedding Wednesday to check-in on my monthly wedding checklist. In case you've forgotten I am using the checklist found on my obsession,

I am so excited to say that I am not only on top of everything I should be doing but I am way ahead of schedule! According to the checklist I have everything completed through February!

December 2010
Book your ceremony venue. Record deposits and payments.
Book your reception venue. Record deposits and payments.

January 2011
Choose your bridesmaids and groomsmen. Invite them
to be in your wedding party.

Create your wedding website.
Search for a caterer.
Book your caterer. Record deposits and payments.
Begin working on a menu.
Search for a photographer.
Search for a florist.
Search for a videographer.

February 2011
Search for a band.
Search for a DJ.
Book your band. Record deposits and payments.
Book your DJ. Record deposits and payments.

Book your ceremony venue. Record deposits and payments. Done, you've heard about it a million times...Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church.

Book your reception venue. Record deposits and payments. Same here, this isn't the first time and it won't be the last time that you hear that our reception will be at International Market Square.

Choose your bridesmaids and groomsmen. Invite them to be in your wedding party. We have done this! Read about our amazing wedding party HERE. And, find out how I asked the girls HERE.

Create your wedding website. That is done as well. I posted pages from the website a couple of weeks ago. Check those out HERE, HERE and HERE.

Search for a caterer. D'amico is the exclusive caterer for IMS, so this was super easy for us. We didn't have a choice. For more on D'amico and to hear about the tasting we went to, click HERE.

Book your caterer. Record deposits and payments. Begin working on a menu. Um, see above.

Search for a photographer. I searched and found...we just need to send her a deposit. More on the amazingness that is our wedding photographer soon.

Search for a florist. Again, found! More on their amazingness later.

Search for a videographer. This wasn't as easy as searching for the photographer and florist, but we have found our videographer! More to come!

Search for a band. We're not having one.

Search for a DJ. We searched and found our amazing DJ! Read about them HERE!

Book your band. Record deposits and payments. I said were not having a band! Sheesh!

Book your DJ. Record deposits and payments. DJ booked. Deposits and payments recorded.

It feels great to be so far ahead, but I know there is still a ton I need to accomplish. I'm going in to wedding planning with the idea to get as much done as I possibly can as early as I possibly can. Next summer is going to be bananas seeing that my wedding and my BB's wedding are just five weeks apart! I know when it gets down to crunch time I will be thanking myself for getting everything done so far in advance!

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