Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Amazingness

This past weekend was pretty incredible. I got to see so many family members and amazing friends, a lot of whom I haven't seen in a long time. I love that the holidays bring all my out of town friends back to town.

On Wednesday after work, J and I went to the Timberwolves game. It was another great game, even though we lost. But, we were leading most of the game and J and I had a great time.
After the game we went across the street to Kieran's Pub to meet up with some of my friends who were in town. My friend Nick is a college friend of mine who was in town from New York. These are the guys I spent most of my time in college with and it was great to have the old gang together again.
Two of my best friends from high school were also in town. My friend Steve is in med school in Philly and my friend Pat just recently moved to Washington DC. I have been friends with these boys since seventh grade and I love that we have maintained our friendships and are able to see each other after a long period of time and pick up right where we left off.
It was IMPOSSIBLE for the three of us to take a normal picture, so this is the best we got.

Thanksgiving, as usual, was a day of running around trying to see as much family as possible. We started the day at my mom and step-dad's house for some bloody marys and snacks. 
Me and my little brother, Nate

My mom, Natie and myself

My sister, Natalie

My man

From there we went to my dad's house to eat. 
 my dad's amazing turkey on the grill.

We played a game of Apples to Apples, argued over which Leonardo DiCaprio movie is the best and attempted to get a picture for our family Christmas card, a task that is always extremely difficult and extremely hilarious. 
Ditch the crazy dogs and we get a good one.

My little family.

After we ate we went to J's Aunt and Uncles house to see his side of the family and have dessert. J's dad's side of the family is enormous so it's always so fun to see everyone and be apart of a huge family. This year's clan was smaller than usual but it was still wonderful. We celebrated all we are thankful for with a shot of Patron XO Cafe, a coffee flavored tequila which was surprisingly AMAZING!
Me and J with his Uncle's Jay and Brent

We ended Thanksgiving at home. J built a fire and we curled up on the couch to watch Texas A&M beat Texas!!! It was the perfect end to a great day.

Friday night one of my high school friend's, Reed, had a group of us over to his place. Again, these are friends I have had since middle school and it was amazing to spend some time with them. My friend, Alex, was in town from Chicago and was celebrating his birthday so it was  wonderful to see him! I took a couple of great pictures from that night but our laptop (where I upload all photos) has a virus (HUGE PAIN IN THE ASS) so I don't have those to share with you, but just know it was a great night.

On Saturday, my dear friend Ryan got married! I'll have all the pictures and details from his big day tomorrow!

Finally, we ended our epic four days by sleeping in, cleaning the house and then going to my BB's for chili and Dexter. None of us had ever seen the show but have heard great things so Jake and Carolyn got the first season and DVD and we all watched the first disc together. I'm already hooked, it took a while to get used to the awkwardness that is Dexter but now I am really excited to watch more and get caught up on this great show. 

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