Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ahh, the Weekend

This weekend was a more low key weekend which was definitely something we needed but it was still super fun! Friday night I chaperoned my sororities winter formal! As the new Social Advisor this is one of my duties and it was really fun. Luckily, my friend (and A-O-Pi roommate of two years) Kelly came with me. It was great to catch up with her and great to see the current AOPi's having a blast at their formal. We had so much fun reminiscing about our college days and our time in A-O-Pi.
Me & Kelly on Spring Break in Florida, our senior year

Saturday was a big day for J. He is a huge Texas A&M football fan (he grew up in Texas) and they were playing #8 in the country, Nebraska. We met up with a bunch of friends at Champps to watch the game.
 Texas A&M won!!! That means happy fiance!

After the game, we stayed for the UFC fights! Yes, I realize I'm kind of a dude but I love sports and I LOVE the UFC! What we didn't know is that the entire time we were at Champps it was drizzling outside and that drizzle was turning in to ice. We left Champps around midnight and the sidewalks and parking lot were a skating rink, everything was completely iced over. We live 4 miles from Champps and it took us 45 minutes to get home. It was brutal. I heard on the radaio this morning that there were over 400 car accidents reported, three of which were fatal. It was scary! But, luckily we all made it back to our place safely. To celebrate making it home alive we popped some champagne and played cards. My friend Robyn borrowed my head to two zebra pajama set which amused us all for hours.

All of last week my BB has been driving me insane telling me she has a surprise for me. She wouldn't give me any hints to what it was so I had no idea what to expect. She seriously was driving me crazy, she kept telling me she HAD to see me and then would laugh and rub in the fact that she had a surprise. Finally, on Saturday I was put out of my misery and got to see what this surprise was and let me tell you it was worth the agony! Jake and Carolyn got J and I this AMAZING blanket as an engagement present!
It is the softest blanket of all time and is embroidered with our names and wedding date! I love it so much and was snuggled up in it last night!

Yesterday I spent most of the day watching Friends. I get in kicks where I watch my Friends dvd's non-stop. I recently started the season 1 series and have moved on to season 2.....I love going back and watching the whole series in order. I am a Friends spaz if you didn't know. Then last night I had to go back to AOPi to help out with some pre-election stuff. When that was over I watched Boardwalk Empire (best show on TV) and the AMAs with the fiance! Was it just me or were the performances last night really underwhelming? I thought Pink did the best job. I was so pumped for the BSB and NKOTB performance and was disappointed. NKOTB ruined it for should have been a BSB solo!

Now it's Monday again, how does that happen so quick! At least this week is a short week!

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