Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wishful Wednesday...Lost

 It's Wishful Wednseday over at The Seattle Smith's and today's topic is....

'I wish' .... I hadn't lost ______!!
I wish I hadn't lost my charm bracelets. Remember those Italian Charm bracelets that were major popular like eight years ago? Well I loved mine and it was stolen. 
It meant the world to me. I had a ton of different links from a ton of different people. Each link not only represented me but the person who gave it to me and our relationship. It was stolen at the Community Pool. I had it locked safe in a locker and when I left I forget them. Not more than five minutes later I went back and they were gone. No one had turned them in, I called every day for a month and they never showed up. I still don't understand how someone could have taken it. Those charms wouldn't mean anything to them. 
I remember one of my favorite charms was a bee (fitting, I know). 
My high school guidance counselor (who is now a close family friend) gave it to me as a graduation gift. Not only was our school mascot a Hornet but I called her Mrs. B. It was the perfect gift and meant so much to me. That was the start of the bee theme in my life!

Go visit Kelsey's blog and link up if you want to share your Wishful Wednesday!


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