Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wedding Nightmares

Well they've started. I've officially began to subconsciously stress out about my wedding. It's going to be a long 11 months and 2 days.
I am notorious for having extremely vivid dreams, in fact sometimes I think things happened and it turns out it was actually a dream...J finds this extremely irritating and I don't blame him. Well, Wedding Dreams are no different. I woke up in a sweat and a complete panic on the verge of an anxiety attack because of this awful dream I a recap.

It's the wedding day, and I am running late to the ceremony. I get there and have to put my dress on by myself, without my hair done, and my dress is wrong. The church in the dream was nothing like our actual church, it was ENORMOUS. People were scattered all over and it was super unorganized. I walked down the aisle and all of my bridesmaids were wrong! They weren't wearing black and they weren't the right people...they were random friends I've had from different stages of my life that I was never super close to. Annoying. Then the sermon takes FOREVER because the choir keeps interrupting to sing Christmas songs. I whisper to the pastor that we don't want music and she doesn't care. Then halfway through another pastor steps in. We don't exchange vows, we don't kiss, we're just all of a sudden married. Then an announcement comes over the loud speaker stating a storm is coming, half of our guests leave. THEN, the choir starts singing a mash up of Bloodhound Gang songs and I loose it! I go to the choir director and start SCREAMING!
They damn choir finally stops. The ceremony is now over and everyone just leaves, so we don't do our dismissal/receiving line. All of the wedding party has disappeared so we have no photos. J and I are left at the church with our wedding photographer Sara and her fiance John. Our limo doesn't show up. So Sara and John offer to drive us to our reception. We get lost. REALLY LOST. It's now and hour past when we're supposed to be there and none of our parents or wedding party are answering their phones. And then I woke up....almost in tears.

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