Sunday, February 20, 2011

We Did It!

Yesterday, me and my BB Carolyn ran our first 5k! We were both really nervous since neither one of us trained like we should have and we'd never ran one before but I am really proud of how we did! Our goal was to finish in under 45 minutes, we figured that's a 15 minute mile, and a very achievable goal. Well, we crushed our goal and finished in 37:51, which is a 12 minute mile! We jogged most of the way, took a couple walk breaks and then sprinted the very end! I am so glad I did this and am even more glad that my BB was by side to motivate me, I never would have done this without her!

AND, now I get to cross off another goal from my 30 Before 30 list!!!

7. Run a 5k

Of course, I got plenty of pictures from the race. Here are some of my favorites. 
 Before the race

Walking to the beautiful pavilion on Lake Como to start the race

Sprinting across the finish line!!!
 Post race hug from my boy :)
Hot, sweaty and glad it's over

 Must have post race lattes @ Day By Day Cafe in St. Paul
As for the rest of the weekend, it was amazingly awesome and super relaxing. J's sister, Nicole, who we haven't seen since March when she moved to Florida (I wrote about her in THIS POST) was in town for the weekend! So, Friday night we went to J's dad's for dinner.
Me and my beautiful first-best-friend and someday sister-in-law!
After dinner and catching up with Nicole, J and I went to the horse track for my friend Jackie's birthday! We had a blast and I won money on every race! Not a lot, but I left with more than I came with which is always a good thing!
Me and the birthday girl, Jackie!
Saturday, J and I worked all day and then met my dad for dinner. He just got home from two HUGE basketball tournaments in Las Vegas and Los Angeles, so it was fun to hear about his trip. I also set a new world record for the most waters drank at a Champps restaurant....I had at least seven huge glasses of water. I was soooo thirsty and was really paranoid about cramping during the 5k, so I was chugging the H-2-O.

Sunday morning was the race which we followed up by getting coffee with Jake and Carolyn, then we all went to Target to do some grocery shopping. Me, Jake and Carolyn are all starting P90x today (J started it last week), so we wanted to get some healthy foods to supplement the workout. After that, J and I went back to his dad's for brunch and to say good-bye to Nicole. We spent the afternoon out on the lake with my mom and her fiance. It was so relaxing, I fell asleep and took about an hour nap. I have to say taking a nap out on the boat, in the sun with the breeze was one of the best naps I've ever had. On the way home J and I grabbed some sushi for dinner, then I flipped on Shark Week and was asleep by 8:30pm. 
Alright ladies, tonight's the night! The Bachelorette finale!!! Whose it going to be? Roberto? Chris? Is she going to end up single? Let's hear your predictions! 

Have a great Monday!

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