Sunday, February 20, 2011

Twenty-Six and Still Kickin'

Yesterday was my 26th birthday. I love my birthday, I have always been a birthday spaz. My birthday is always a production and always lasts about a week....I'm just lucky I have so many people who want to celebrate with me. I was going through old pictures and came across a lot of pictures from my birthdays over the years. I decided as a tribute to still being alive I would share some of my favorite birthdays with you!

December 12, 2009 (25 years old)
Last year for my 25th we went to dinner with my family at Chino Latino and then out with my friends at Bar Abilene. It was a blast. As a b-day present to myself I got my hair did and went super dark! I loved it. I'll most likely go dark again after the wedding.

December 12, 2008 (24 years old)
For my 24th we invited all our family and friends to Joe Senser's in Bloomington for a night of pool, darts and a ton of drinking. It was super fun. Again, my gift to myself was a drastic hair change. I cut off 7 inches of hair the day before this pic was taken.

December 12, 2007 (23 years old)
This was by far the best birthday I've ever had. My BFF Libby and I had a joint party and decided it was absolutely necessary to do it on a party bus painted like a cheetah. It was SO RIDICULOUSLY fun! This was also the first birthday that J and I were together and he told me he loved me for the first time this night (my feet were in a garbage can, but that's a story for a different time)! Ahhh, memories.

December 12, 2006 (22 years old)
My 22nd birthday was on a Tuesday which worked out GREAT for me because every Tuesday me and my pals went to our favorite bar, Blarney, for a beer pong tournament. Beer pong + Kristin's birthday=Great Night!!!

December 12, 2005 (21 years old)
My 21st birthday. Oh boy. I think this picture sums it up quite nicely. If you can't tell....I have lab goggles on my head. No idea where they came from but I am wearing them in 90% of the pictures taken the night of my birthday.

December 12, 2002 (18 years old)
For my 18th my family (and Libby, of course) went out to eat and then to a Timberwolves game, this was back when I was OBSESSED with the T-Wolves.

December 12, 1999 (15 years old)
This was my 9th grade crew. All my favorite people (except Libby is missing....). I remember that birthday and I remember it being really fun!

December 12, 1996 (12 years old)
This was my golden birthday and I remember thinking I was so cool because I got to bring two friends to Camp Snoopy (which was the indoor theme park at Mall of America)

December 12, 1994 (10 years old)
I remember this birthday because it was the year I got my American Girl doll. I had Kirsten and was in love with her!!! Those were the good old days. Which American Girl did you have? I know you all had them!

December 12, 1993 (9 years old)
Don't remember this at all....I just love how pissed I look. Dude, it's your birthday--cheer up!

December 12, 1992 (8 years old)
This birthday was another great one. My dad lived downtown Minneapolis, so we went downtown and had dinner at our favorite pizza place. Then, we went to my dad's apartment building and went swimming! I had always wanted a Pool Party-themed birthday but being born in December and living in Minnesota makes it pretty hard to do....but this year I got to do it!

December 12, 1990 (6 years old)
This was my 6th birthday and these four people with me were my best friends for pretty much my entire childhood. The boy next to me (I'm the blond) is my cousin and the rest of the kids were my neighbors. We had the best neighborhood and the four of us were inseparable. I am still in touch with all of these people and here's proof.....
Me and Brian (the boy falling) at his HS grad party

Me and Kristen (on the far right) in Chicago last fall.

Me and my cousin two summers ago (he's in red in the pic)

December 12, 1988 (4 years old)
Cute, right?

December 12, 1984 (BORN!)

26 years ago....I love this picture!

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