Sunday, February 20, 2011

Staging Area

The current condition of Coffee Buzz can only be described as dirty to quite dirty. On top of the dirtiness there are people coming in and out all day long. When it came time to get our big ticket items ordered and delivered (ie; the TV), I really didn't feel comfortable having it delivered to a store that doesn't always have someone to accept deliveries, that is dirty or that has strangers working day in and day out. The solution? Have everything delivered to our place.
It might not look like much...but if we unpacked all these boxes our living room would look like an aisle at Best Buy (except I don't think BB is carrying Puggles...yet!)

I am super excited because by the end of the week all of these boxes will be out of my house, unpacked and installed at Coffee Buzz! The POS systems get set up on Thursday and the TV, speakers, etc get set up on Friday!

*On a side note, Day 2 of interviews is still in progress and I will be updating on today's candidates later!

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