Sunday, February 20, 2011

Shout Out!

I haven't given a shout out in a while, but I've been saving up for a good one. This Shout Out has to go to B&W Specialty Coffee Co. and namely Chrissy Kelsch.

B&W is a local roastery and will be supplying Coffee Buzz with the most important aspect of our business--our beans (among many other things). B&W roasts all of their beans to order so we know we are always getting the highest quality, freshest beans. One thing that I am pretty passionate about, and a reason I really love B&W, is they offer a great selection of Organic and Fair Trade beans.

Fair Trade is an equitable and fair partnership between consumers in North America and producers in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. The chief concern of the Fair Trade movement has been to ensure that the vast majority of the world's coffee farmers get a fair price for their harvests in order to achieve a decent living wage. Fair Trade guarantees to poor farmers organized in cooperatives around the world: a living wage; much needed credit at fair prices; and long term relationships. These fair payments are invested in health care, education, environmental stewardship, and economic independence. For more information on Fair Trade go to

I am very proud to say that ALL of the coffee and espresso that we will be serving at Coffee Buzz is Certified Fair Trade and Organic!

Back to how awesome B&W is...Chrissy has been my contact at B&W since day one and has been nothing short of amazing. She has been such a huge help! She has answered so many questions, given us so many samples and has made me feel really excited and proud of the choices I have made. Every time I go to B&W everyone is so nice, so interested in our business and so helpful. I cannot wait to show Chrissy the finished product since she has wanted to come check out the space since last January when this all got started--but I keep holding her off until there is actually something to see. I can't thank Chrissy and B&W enough for what they have already done and I am really excited to continue this relationship and work with them for a VERY long time!

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