Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Quick Note About Friendship

I am so lucky to have a lot of friends, but I am extremely blessed to have a few REALLY good friends.

2010 was a monstrous year for me, I opened a business and got engaged. I have always thought that extreme excitement or a massive struggle brings people closer or tears people apart, and after 2010 I know this to be true. 2010 was filled with both extreme excitement and massive struggle for me and when I look back there were three people who stepped up. People who have supported my coffee shop, who have offered to help, who have listened to me complain or rant or cry, but who also praised me when I was excited and proud. These are the same three people who cried when I told them I was engaged (one even cried when I showed her my wedding shoes....because she got it. I'm getting married and I'm wearing amazing shoes, she knows what a big deal that is.)

These friends love me for me, and they know me. They know every little thing about me, and they love me anyways. After a falling out with one friend I really doubted myself, felt bad about myself and dwelled on what had been said and what went wrong. These friends made me realize that I am a good friend, a really good friend. We all make mistakes and I would be lying if I said I haven't had a fight or an issue with all of these three woman. The difference is we treat each other with respect and we know how much we really need each other and we worked through it.

These girls mean the world to me and if I didn't have them to make me laugh, hold me when I cry or gchat with me for the entire day I don't know what I would do.

I guess I just want to thank these women for being there for me when I need it and more importantly when I don't. You're just there. Always. I love you for that!

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