Sunday, February 20, 2011

Our Story

Today is me and J's 3 year anniversary!!! I figured it was only appropriate that I share the story of how we met and how our relationship began. I'm stealing this right from our website to fit the Website Week theme!

The K_____ and F______ family history goes way back. In 1969, Kevin (Jason’s dad) and Tom (Kristin’s dad) became friends while they were 6th grade classmates and played on the Bloomington City Elementary School Championship basketball team together. Kevin and Tom have remained friends for forty-one years and their families have grown very close and important in each others lives. The K_____’s and F_____’s have spent many Thanksgivings, birthdays and other important events together. It was at a very young age that Kristin developed her crush on Jason and began to look forward to the weeks that he would be in town from Texas. Four years her senior, Jason never gave Kristin much attention other than annoyance while she and his sister, Nicole, did what all young girls did…drive the older brother crazy. Years went by and Kristin and Jason continued to see each other a couple of times a year at family events. Kristin always made sure to look her best, but Jason never seemed to take notice. 
 Easter 1997
Finally, on Friday, November 9 2007 at Kevin’s 50th Birthday celebration everything changed. Kristin showed up to the party with two of her girlfriends. Jason, Nicole Kristin and her friends spent the evening in the kitchen joking around and having a blast.  This was the chattiest Kristin had ever seen Jason and was nervous that the reason was because he thought her friends were cute, nonetheless, she was having a great time and was beginning to like Jason more than she ever had before. The conversation somehow got on to the downtown Minneapolis bars we all liked to hang out at. The group consensus was that Bootleggers was our favorite bar and we all agreed that we should meet there the following night.

All day Saturday, Kristin was freaking out and completely spazzing about the thought of possibly hanging out with Jason outside of a family function. Plus, to see him two nights in a row opposed to just once a year was exciting on it’s own. That afternoon Kristin checked Facebook & MySpace and Jason had added her as a friend on both, which for this generation is a huge deal! Jason just happened to be on MySpace at the same time as Kristin so she sent him a message. They ended up messaging and exchanging numbers so they could get in touch once they got downtown. Everything worked out and everyone ended up at Bootleggers. After a couple of drinks, Nicole pulls Kristin aside and says, “I know this is weird because we’ve been friends our whole lives but what do you think of my brother?” After some very juvenile, “Do you like him? Do you like her?” they came to the conclusions that they liked each other. Kristin and Nicole screamed and jumped up and down with excitement like a couple of thirteen year old girls. After Nicole relayed the information, Kristin and Jason we were inseparable the rest of the night. After the bar, a group of friends (including Jason) went back to Kristin’s house where the two of them stayed up and talking all night about everything and nothing. Sunday afternoon they went out to lunch and watched football and finally parted ways after what would be the first day of the rest of their lives.  
 The first picture taken of us
The next few years would be filled with a ton of love and amazing memories. Through their relationship Kristin and Jason have made some wonderful friends and brought their families even closer together. It didn’t take long before Kristin and Jason knew that they would be together forever. On December 4th, 2008 they brought home Jason’s anniversary gift to Kristin, a beautiful little puggle puppy they named Bailey. Their dog has been a constant source of joy and happiness and they treat her like their child. Together the three of them have made a very comfortable and happy home in Bloomington, MN.
In March of 2010 Kristin and Jason’s relationship reached a whole new level….they became coworkers. With the help and support of Kristin’s family the couple has been running their very own coffee shop, named Coffee Buzz, in St. Louis Park, MN. The trials and tribulations of running any business are immense and doing it with your partner adds a whole knew level of both support and struggle.
Through living together, working together and learning to run a business and lead a happy life, Kristin and Jason, have both grown immensely as individuals and as a couple. They now believe without a doubt they can concur any obstacles that may come their way.

JJ-I love you! These have been the best 3 years of my life and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my years with you as your wife!

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