Sunday, February 20, 2011

Meet the Wedding Party!!!

For the final day of Wedding Website Week I have saved the best for last! The Wedding Party page introduces all of our guests to our amazing wedding party! Here's a glimpse of what that page looks like:

Kristin and Jason are so blessed to have such amazing family and friends. They are so honored to have these wonderful people by their side throughout their wedding day! 

The Ladies

Libby, Maid of Honor
Kristin and Libby met on the bus in eighth grade, and have been best friends ever since. Together they took driver’s ed, were on the high school dance team, went on Spring Break trips, and went to school at the University of Minnesota. Over the last ten years Libby and Kristin have been through so much together and Kristin feels so honored to have Libby standing next to her on her big day!

Nicole, Bridesmaid
Nicole is not only Jason’s younger sister but is Kristin’s first best friend. Kristin and Nicole grew up together dancing to George Michael, giving each other make-overs and walking to Jerry’s grocery store to meet boys. Nicole has been a constant source of love, support and laughs throughout Kristin’s life and especially during the past few years of Kristin and Jason’s relationship. 

Carolyn, Bridesmaid
Kristin and Carolyn were basically forced to be friends. Carolyn was dating and is now engaged to Jake, one of Jason’s best friends. Lucky for Kristin and Carolyn, they have a ton in common and get along great. Kristin can always count on Carolyn for advice, a laugh or someone to take a good picture. Kristin has loved planning her wedding along side Carolyn and could not imagine her big day without Carolyn by her side.

Christina, Bridesmaid
Kristin and Christina have been friends since eighth grade and have gotten closer every year since. From high school dances to frat parties to dinners at Big Bowl, Kristin and Christina have had some amazing times. Even though they went to college at different schools, Christina has been by Kristin’s side through thick and thin. Most of Kristin’s favorite memories from the past ten years include Christina and she is so glad to have her as part of the wedding.

Natalie, Bridesmaid
Natalie is Kristin’s step-sister and when they met for the first time they instantly clicked. They were both shocked at how much they had in common and how similar they really were. Kristin and Natalie have had some amazing times on the boat and singing karaoke. Even though they’re not related by blood they are definitely sisters through and through. Kristin can’t imagine her wedding day without her long lost twin. 

Courtney, Bridesmaid
Courtney is Kristin’s sorority sister and one of the main reasons Kristin joined Alpha Omicron Pi her freshman year of college. Courtney has been like a big sister to Kristin the last seven years and is one of the few people who really understands Kristin’s love for Gopher football (win or lose). Courtney is an amazing wife, mother and friend who is always ready for a good time and has been a role model for Kristin since day one at A-O-Pi. 

Kara, Junior Bridesmaid

Kara is Kristin’s baby sister and the similarities between these sisters are astounding, even though they’re twelve years apart. Kara is in eighth grade at _________ and is on the dance team, plays the flute and is quite the social butterfly. Kristin is so excited to have her “mini-me” walk down the aisle before her. 

Ally, Junior Bridesmaid
Ally is Jason’s youngest sister. Even though they were born eighteen years apart, Ally and Jason are so similar. They both love sports (and are really good at them), are extremely smart and equally as quick witted. Jason loves to give his baby sister a hard time but he is really proud of her and excited she is part of the wedding. Ally is in seventh grade at _______ and plays both soccer and basketball.

Robyn, Personal Attendant
Kristin and Robyn met while Kristin was in school at the University of Minnesota. They were instant friends and have grown closer and closer over the past five years. Robyn is an amazing friend who always finds a way to have an amazing time (and make Kristin cry from laughter). Kristin is so thankful to have Robyn by her side throughout the wedding day. 

The Gents

Colin, Best Man
Jason and Colin met in eighth grade when Jason moved back to Minnesota from Texas. The teacher sat Jason at Colin’s lunch table and after playing basketball at Shoreview Community Center these two were best friends for life. They played basketball together throughout high school and for a year at Anoka Ramsey Community College. Jason had the honor of being the Best Man in Colin’s wedding and is thrilled that Colin is returning the favor. 

Nate, Groomsman
Nate is Kristin’s younger brother but has known Jason his entire life. Nate, being the same age as Jason’s little brothers, grew up with Jason. Whether they were playing basketball, video games or beating each other up Jason was always entertaining the boys. Nate and Jason have been able to grow closer over the last few years and are always ready to tailgate or argue about sports. 

Jake, Groomsman 
Jake and Jason became friends through basketball in eighth grade. Jake and Jason have spent a lot of time together over the years as Jake practically lived at Jason’s house when they were younger and they did live together after college. Jason is honored to be a groomsman in Jake’s upcoming wedding and is so glad that Jake is returning the favor and standing with him on his wedding day. 

Jeff, Groomsman 
Jeff and Jason met in college at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. These two hung out pretty much every night and spent most of their time playing darts, pool or splitting a pizza. Jeff quickly became Jason’s best college friend and their friendship has gotten stronger since then. 

Seth, Groomsman 
Jason met Seth through basketball in eighth grade but became closer friends with him their senior year of high school. Jason and Seth continued their friendship in college at University of Minnesota, Duluth where they were roommates. Jason also was living with Seth when he started to date Kristin. Seth and Jason continue to play basketball and softball together once a week.

Ryan, Groomsman 
Ryan better known as “Ole” was at the same lunchroom table that Jason was sat at when he first moved back to Minnesota. Jason and Ryan played on the same basketball teams throughout middle school and high school. They both went to Anoka Ramsey Community College for two years where Ole was the number one supporter of the basketball team Jason played on. 

Travis, Usher
Travis is Jason’s younger brother by nine years and growing up Travis really looked up to Jason and was always on his team against their dad and younger brother, Christopher. These past few months they have begun to spend a lot of time together, especially on Saturdays when the Gophers are playing. Jason’s favorite memory of Travis is when he beat Colin (the best man) at chess when he was only ten-years-old.

Christopher, Usher 
Christopher is Jason’s younger brother by eleven years. Even though Christopher was always on their dad’s team again Jason and Travis these brothers have always gotten along and have grown closer over the past few years. Jason’s favorite memory of Christopher is how early he would wake up on Christmas morning to see what gifts he got.

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