Sunday, February 20, 2011

Global Warming

Global warming, a horrible word ..
I can not imagine the impact on the lives of all people, it's good when we learn the meaning, impact, and of course how menangulanginya

What is causing global warming?
Global warming occurs when there is a concentration of certain gases known as greenhouse gases, yg growing in the air, This is caused by human actions, industrial activities, especially CO2 and chlorofluorocarbon. Which primarily is carbon dioxide, which is generally produced by the use of coal, petroleum, gas and deforestation and forest fires. Nitric acid is produced by vehicles and industrial emissions, whereas methane emissions caused by industrial and agricultural activities. Chlorofluorocarbon CFCs damage the ozone layer as well as greenhouse gases causing global warming, but now deleted in the Montreal Protocol. Carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbon, methane, nitric acid is polutif gases are accumulating in the air and filter out a lot of heat from the sun. While the sea and
Vegetation catch a lot of CO2, its ability to be a "roof" is now due to excessive emissions. This means that every year, the accumulated amount of greenhouse gas in the air increases, and that means accelerated warming global.Sepanjang was a hundred years the world energy consumption increased spectacularly. Approximately 70%. Energy used by developed countries and 78% of energy comes from fossil fuels. This causes an imbalance that

The impact of global warming

Scientists use computer models of temperature, precipitation patterns, and atmosphere circulation to study global warming. Based on these models, scientists have made several predictions about the impact of global warming on weather, sea levels, coastal, agricultural, wildlife and human health.

Start Unstable Climate

Scientists predict that during global warming, the northern part of the Northern hemisphere (Northern Hemisphere) will heat up more than other regions on Earth. As a result, icebergs will melt and the land will shrink. Will be less ice will float on northern oceans. Areas that previously experienced light snow, may not be there again. In the mountains in subtropical areas, snow-covered parts will be less and will melt faster. Growing seasons will be longer in some areas. Temperatures in the winter and at night would tend to increase.
Warmer regions will become more humid as more water evaporates from the oceans. Scientists are not sure whether the moisture is actually going to increase or decrease heating further. This is because water vapor is a greenhouse gas, so that its presence will increase the insulation effect on the atmosphere. However, the more water vapor will also develop a lot more clouds, which would reflect sunlight back into space, where it will reduce the heating process (see the water cycle). High humidity will increase rainfall, on average, about 1 percent for each Fahrenheit degree of warming. (Rainfall in the world has increased by 1 percent in the last hundred years) [29]. The storm will become more frequent. In addition, the water will evaporate faster than the ground. Some regions will become drier than before. Winds will blow harder and perhaps with a different pattern. Hurricane (hurricane) that obtain power from the evaporation of water, will become larger. Contrary to the warming is happening, some very cold periods will probably happen. Weather patterns become more unpredictable and extreme.

Increased sea level
Changes of average height measured from sea-level areas with a stable environment in geology.
As the atmosphere warms, the ocean surface layer will be warmer, so the volume will grow and raise the sea level. Warming will also melt much glacier ice, especially around Greenland, further swelling the sea. Sea levels worldwide rose 10 - 25 cm (4 - 10 inches) during the 20th century, and IPCC scientists predict a further rise of 9 to 88 cm (4 to 35 inches) in the 21st century.
Sea-level changes will complicate life in the coastal region. Increase of 100 cm (40 inches) will submerge 6 percent of The Netherlands, 17.5 percent of Bangladesh, and many islands. Erosion of cliffs, beaches, and dunes will increase. When the high seas to reach the mouth of the river, flooding caused by high water will rise on the mainland. Rich countries will spend huge amounts of money to protect the shorelines, while poor countries may simply evacuate from coastal areas.
Even a modest rise in sea level will greatly change coastal ecosystems. Increase of 50 cm (20 inches) will submerge about half of coastal wetlands in the United States. New marshes will form in, but not in urban areas and regions that have been built. This sea-level rise will cover much of the Florida Everglades.

Global temperature tends to increase

One might assume that a warmer Earth would produce more food than ever before, but this is not the same in some places. Southern Canada, for example, may benefit from more rainfall and longer growing season. On the other hand, semi-tropical agricultural land dry in some parts of Africa may not be able to grow. Desert agricultural areas that use irrigation water from the mountains far may suffer if the snowpack (snow collection) winter, which serves as a natural reservoir, melts before the peak months of planting. Crops and forests may experience insect and disease attacks more powerful.

Ecological disturbance
Animals and plants are living creatures that are difficult to avoid the effects of warming because most of the land has been controlled by humans. In global warming, animals tend to migrate toward the poles or to the mountains. Plants will change the direction of growth, seeking new areas as old habitats grow too warm. However, human development will prevent this movement. The species that migrate to the north or south is blocked by the cities or agricultural lands may be dead. Some types of species that are not capable of quickly moving toward the poles may disappear.

Social and political impact

Changes in weather and ocean can lead to the emergence of diseases associated with heat (heat stroke) and death. Hot temperatures can also cause crop failures that will appear hunger and malnutrition. Changes in extreme weather and increased sea levels due to melting Arctic ice could lead to diseases associated with natural disasters (floods, hurricanes and fires) and deaths due to trauma. The emergence of natural disasters is usually accompanied by the displacement of people into refugee camps places where the disease often occur, such as: diarrhea, malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, psychological trauma, skin diseases, and others.
Shift in the ecosystem can impact on the spread of diseases through water (Waterborne diseases) and the spread of diseases through vectors (vector-borne diseases). Such as increased incidence of Dengue Fever since the emergence of the (ecosystem) of this new breed mosquitoes. With this adamya climate change there is a species of disease vectors (Aedes Agipty eq), viruses, bacteria, plasmodium become more resistant to certain drugs that target these organisms adala it. Also predictable that there are some species that are naturally selected perbuhan or extinct due to this extreme ecosystem. this will also affect climate change (Climat change) the bus to the increase in cases affecting certain diseases such as ARI (drought / forest fires, DHF association with erratic rainy season)
Gradient Environmental pollution caused by waste in the river also contributes to waterborne diseases and vector-borne disease. Coupled with air pollution emissions of gases that are not controlled factory will further contribute to disease, respiratory diseases like asthma, allergies, coccidiodomycosis, heart disease and chronic lung, and others.

Personally and communities we can practice the following three things:

Recycling / reuse:

• Taking into account the consumer habits, and buying or using goods that not packaged. Looking for brands that care for the environment and the soap-soap and agent -cleaning agents.

• Recycle everything that can be recycled: plastic, peeling fresh fruit and vegetablesvegetables, paper and cardboard, glass and cans.

• Begin by making compost. Add the worms and also the leaves, twigsand dirt from the garden and the compost will be a natural fertilizer for the soil.

• Encouraging industry to carry out the responsibility for recycling materials material waste and electrical equipment such as TV and computers.

• What else ...?


• Efficient use of water

• Reduce the burning of the goods can not be recycled

• Reduce emissions of CFCs and CFC substitutes emissions by not using aerosols and using energy efficiently.

• Reduce use of electricity by using energy-saving lamps.

• What else ...?


• Local governments will be their commitment to recycle and reduce waste as well as maintain law and waste recycling in order to remain relevant.

• Encouraging local businesses to reduce the package products.

• Remind the local authorities to maintain power and use it in efficient system

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