Sunday, February 20, 2011


On New Years Eve, I had the pleasure of bringing my first guests to Coffee Buzz! My close college friends, Robyn and Sarah, came by and got the grand pre-finished tour and witnessed a very pointless meeting with Comcast. Sarah, took this glorious picture of me stomping on a Caribou Coffee cup (hey, I have to get coffee somewhere until we're open) but as she so eloquently put it, I am "crushing the competition."

During the grand tour I showed Robyn and Sarah three electrical holes in the walls--these three holes represent the design element of Coffee Buzz that I am most excited about.....WALL SCONCES. So, as promised, Robyn and Sarah--here is a picture of the highly anticipated sconce:


Don't you just love it?!?

I hope everyone had a Happy New Year! 2009 was all about making Coffee Buzz happen and 2010 is all about making it work...wish us luck! :o)

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