Saturday, February 19, 2011

World’s Most Expensive Belt

Whether used for its more utilitarian purpose or as a fashion statement, a belt can be an important part of any person’s wardrobe. Check out these two very expensive belts.

World's Most Expensive Belts - Selfridges & Co. gold belt

Selfridges & Co. gold belt – $32,000

You can never have enough gold on your body—at least, that’s what Selfridges, a chain of high end department stores in the UK, wanted you to believe when they unveiled this expensive belt. Selfridges & Co. commissioned the aptly-named design house Money to create the gold-studded men’s belt. Featuring seventy pyramids crafted from 18-carat gold and mounted on white leather, the belt was intended to herald the return of the lavish lifestyle. Given its 2006 release, they probably even sold a few before the global economic hullabaloo.

The Selfridges luxury belt was priced at £20,000—around US $32,000—for anyone with a waist under 28 inches. Each additional inch added £800 to the price.

Republica Fashion’s Gucci 30cts.diamond belt – $249,000

Of course, within days of the original publication of this article a brand new Most Expensive Belt in the World was unveiled. A collaboration between Goldstriker International and U.K. designer Stuart Hughes, this belt was commissioned by an anonymous client of Republica Fashion. It’s a Gucci belt with the Gucci monogrammed belt buckle replaced by a more extravagant platinum buckle with 30 carats of diamonds placed along the upright G.

World's Most Expensive Belts - Republica Fashion's Gucci  30cts.diamond belt

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